A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance between the giant ape and his mechanical arch-nemesis.
类型:美国 / 动作
主演:Ashley Ahlquist / 肖恩·杨 / Jared Rivet
剧情:A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance betwe… (详细)
名称 | 巨猿大战机械猿:新秩序 |
原名 | Ape X Mecha Ape: New World Order |
国家/地区 | 美国 |
类型 | 动作 |
上映 | 2024-04-05(limited) |
语言 | 英语 |
导演 | 马克·戈特利布 |
主演 | Ashley Ahlquist / 肖恩·杨 / Jared Rivet |
A group of world leaders awakens a creature beneath the ocean floor, and mankind's only hope rests on an alliance between the giant ape and his mechanical arch-nemesis.