Nerdland is an R-rated cartoon comedy about celebrity, excess, and two showbiz nobodies, John (Paul Rudd) and Elliott (Patton Oswalt), with a plan to become famous—or even infamous—by the end of the night.
名称 | 死宅之地 |
原名 | Nerdland |
国家/地区 | 美国 |
类型 | 动画 |
导演 | Chris Prynoski |
主演 | 保罗·路德 / 帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特 / 瑞琪·琳德赫姆 / 凯特 米库契 |
Nerdland is an R-rated cartoon comedy about celebrity, excess, and two showbiz nobodies, John (Paul Rudd) and Elliott (Patton Oswalt), with a plan to become famous—or even infamous—by the end of the night.
2025-01-01 | 帕丁顿熊3:秘鲁大冒险 |
2024-12-28 | 误杀3 |
2024-12-27 | 误判 |
2024-12-31 | 窗前明月,咣! |
2025-01-29 | 封神第二部:战火西岐 |