热搜榜 电影热搜榜 电视剧热搜榜

维瓦 » Clip

2016-04-29发布 | 18次播放 | 视频来源

  Jesus (Hector Medina) is a young gay man who works as a hairdresser in Havana. When he is not styling the older ladies in his neighborhood, he fixes the wigs for Mama (Luis Alberto Garcia), the proprietor of a local drag club. Hector intensely watches as Mama performs; he dreams of appearing on the club stage himself. Given how much others depend on him for favors and money, singing offers Hector the one thing he can do for himself. So committed is he to this simple dream, Hector often dances up the stairs in his apartment building, or sways in the window as he sings a song along with a power ballad by an older female Cuban singer.
   When some drag queen drama gives Hector an opportunity to perform, he initially struggles — not even tucking his genitals properly. Mama, the clichéd stage mother with a heart of gold, tells him not to worry about mouthing the words, but to perform with feeling so they mean something.



