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SELECT * FROM `ygp_movielink` where mid='69756' and `doubanmovdataupdatetime` > '1733686187' ORDER BY id DESC limit 1
UPDATE `ygp_movielink` SET `doubanmovdataupdatetime` = '1734895788' WHERE `mid` =69756 ;
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漂流的韩国社会:世越号沉没事故遗属的八个月 (豆瓣)
updatetime = pubtimeupdate `ygp_movie` set cname = '漂流的韩国社会:世越号沉没事故遗属的八个月',ename = 'ドキュメンタリーWAVE 漂流する韓国社会 セウォル号沈没事故 遺族の8か月',mtype = 'Movie',episode = '',othername = '',lang = '日语',duration = '49分钟',`mpicurl` = 'https://img1.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2365250668.jpg',`movie_type` = '纪录片',`country` = '日本',`summary` = '两年前,韩国世越号沉没,三百多人遇难。事后总统道歉,海警解散,沉船打捞工作也将由中国企业在近期进行。但事故真相仍隐藏在迷雾中,遇难者家属们还在继续奔走。',`pubtime` = '1418400000',`showpub` = '2014-12-13(日本)',`casts` = '朴槿惠|www.douban.com',`directors` = 'NHK|',`writers` = '',`updatetime` = '0',`dbrate` = '7.3',`imdb` = '' where id = '69756'
> 1 year/movie/69756Array
[0] => 更新完成漂流的韩国社会:世越号沉没事故遗属的八个月
[1] => yingshiguang - editmoviedata
[2] => 耗时2