A young entrepreneur working on his laptop on a cozy cafe table vibing to the music from his headphones
A young entrepreneur sits at a cozy café table, fully immersed in his work on a laptop, while vibing to the music flowing through his headphones, creating a perfect blend of focus and relaxation.
UPDATE `v_item` SET `ctitle` = '一位年轻的企业家在舒适的咖啡桌上用笔记本电脑工作,听着耳机里的音乐',`cdescription` = '一位年轻的企业家坐在一张舒适的咖啡桌旁,完全沉浸在笔记本电脑上的工作中,同时随着耳机中流淌的音乐舞动,创造出专注和放松的完美融合。' WHERE `id` ='41274' ;